Churton's fascinating exposé begins with the exciting story of the discovery of The Gospel of Judas in Egypt in 1978, tracing its passage through the hands of various dealers before it languished in a New York safety deposit box with a $3 million price tag for years until it was finally published—accompanied by a huge fanfare of publicity and controversy. Kiss of Death explains the message of the gospel and the importance of its discovery, setting it in the context of other Gnostic texts and traditions. Written like a conspiracy thriller, it is an intelligent and well-researched study that offers a fresh perspective on the origins of Christianity. Chapters include: The Bomb; The Condemned Gospel; Judas—The Reaction; Judas—Angel or Demon?; The Verdict of Time; more. Imported from Britain. Published at $19.95, our price $16.95!
KISS OF DEATH:The True History of the Gospel of Judas By Tobias Churton. 308 pages. 5x9 Paperback. Bibliography. Index.
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