In this presentation Thomas discusses the research of Danny Casolaro, the writer who died in Martinsburg, West Virginia while investigating an intelligence cabal called The Octopus. The Inslaw/PROMIS scandal started in the early 1980s, when the Department of Justice signed a $10 million contract with a company called Inslaw to develop specialized tracking software. Inslaw provided the software, called P.R.O.M.I.S., but the government refused to pay the contract, forcing the company into bankruptcy court. In the backdrop: murders and apparent suicides among the Cabazon tribe members in California; the infamous private security/surveillance bureaucracy Wackenhut; the government modifying P.R.O.M.I.S., and selling it illegally to unsuspecting governments and intelligence agencies worldwide -- with a secretly installed "back door" that allowed spying on those same agencies, and now enables the notorious ECHELON satellite system. See his many books such as: POPULAR PARANOIA, NASA, NAZIS & JFK,, MIND CONTROL, OSWALD & JFK, THE OCTOPUS, and others. Filmed at the Sedona Conference in November, 2004. All our DVDs are Valid in All Regions and All Countries!
The Shadow Government, Inslaw, PROMIS and the Octopus, with Kenn Thomas. 73 minutes, Boxed DVD.