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A great, super-illustrated coffee table book on sea monsters which can also be viewed with 3-D glasses. Prehistoric marine reptiles, both alien and awe-inspiring, at once utterly inhuman and somehow irresistibly compelling. Nothing can prepare you for this amazing plunge into the Cretaceous oceans of 80 million years ago, a merciless realm ruled by some of the most ferocious animals ever to stalk the seas of planet Earth. It scarcely seems possible that these swift, massive underwater predators actually existed, but they did, and maybe they still do. Chapters include: What is a Sea Monster? The Fossil Finders; In Dangerous Waters; Where Did They Go? Sea Monster Maps; more; more. Published at $30.00. Our price only $19.95! All color. Includes one pair of 3-D glasses. A good book to take on your next trip to Loch Ness or Lake Champlain in search of living sea monsters.

SEA MONSTERS: Prehistoric Creatures of the Deep 3-D By Mike Everhart. 192 Pages. 9x12 Hardback. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.

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