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The motherships revealed! David Childress, popular author and star of the History Channel show ANCIENT ALIENS, brings us the amazing story of the German Andromeda craft, designed and built during WWII. Along with flying disks, the Germans were making long, cylindrical airships that are commonly called motherships—large craft that house several smaller disk craft. It was not until 1989 that a German researcher named Ralf Ettl, living in London, received an anonymous packet of photographs and documents concerning the planning and development of at least three types of unusual craft—including the Andromeda. Ettl went on to make several television documentaries based on the material in the packet and released most of the documents and photos to researchers in Austria and other parts of Europe. What the Ralf Ettl document dump shows us is what many have suspected for a long time: that WWII did not end in the manner in which we have been told, and a remnant of the Nazi military -- particularly the SS -- continued to operate aircraft and submarines around the world in the decades after the end of the war. Much of this activity has been attributed to UFO activity, but Childress lifts the veil shrouding some of these cases and shows that Andromeda and Haunebu craft were involved in many of these incidents over the decades. Join Childress as he shows us the secret files involving the Andromeda, Haunebu, and Vril craft. Chapters include: Gravity's Rainbow; The Motherships; MJ-12, UFOs and the Korean War; The Strange Case of Reinhold Schmidt; Secret Cities of the Winged Serpent; The Green Fireballs; Submarines That Can Fly; more. Includes a 16-page color section. Over 120 photographs and diagrams. 

ANDROMEDA: THE SECRET FILES: The Flying Submarines of the SS By David Hatcher Childress. 382 Pages. 6x9 Paperback. Illustrated. Color Section. Bibliography.

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